Group Fitness




Let's reach our goals together!

Michael will be your guide.

Together we can create a culture of fitness and wellness. It is not a competition but rather a journey that we may embark on together. Personal Trainer Michael Bacolas is proud to offer group fitness instruction.

Piestewa Peak Group Hike

Join Michael on a hike to the top of Piestewa peak on the first weekend of the month. More information coming soon. In the meantime, feel free to call, text, or email Michael with any inquiries.

Michael's Bootcamp Program

Join Michael on a hike to the top of Piestewa peak. Then begins the descent into the valley.
Duration is around 12 weeks. Group instruction boot camp to coincide with client needs. All services rendered are final.

For Info, Call Michael Allen Bacolas JR @
1+ 623-235-5151